Hello, my name is Maria! In late 2022, I took a sabbatical after almost a decade in corporate America. My decision to embark on a sabbatical was for a mix of reasons. Mentally, I found myself in a place I had never been. There were moments when I experienced almost a mental paralysis – unable to work or think. Things I could push through with ease became cognitive gymnastics. I also experienced a significant health crisis with COVID-19 in winter 2020 that left me hospitalized for 19 days and it took me over three months to fully recover (you can read about this experience here). That experience intensified the fragility of life to me. It also sparked my yearning to truly live life – to relish in it – because life is unpredictable. Lastly, with all this in mind, I just wanted to experience life differently than I had in the past ten years. In short, I was a corporate professional turned sabbatical queen.
It is worth noting that I enjoyed my work before my career break. It allowed me to move throughout the country, meet fantastic people and cherished friends, grow personally and professionally, and become a resource to others in my field. I loved it so much that I’m returning to my corporate life. Plus, it pays the bills.
All that said, I am still embracing the sabbatical mindset – prioritizing balance and wellness. What does working and maintaining the sabbatical mindset mean to me? It means understanding work is important, but it’s not my life or identity – I respect it and always give my best, just not the best parts of me. It means giving back and engaging in my community. It means making memories with those I love and care for deeply. It means traveling and discovering new adventures.
This blog is dedicated to sharing my sabbatical experience and maintaining the sabbatical mindset. Whether it’s travel, food, and wellness content, information about my preparation before my sabbatical (or the benefits thereof), or just random moments of life, I hope you enjoy it and can find some joy in my little corner of the internet.